IOS 系统9.2.1 每次启动会闪退,以下为后台输出日志,请问这个是什么原因

2018-06-13 04:52 1.4k 0
 | JIGUANG | I - [JMessage+JMSGInner] Action - jmsg_clearCurrentUser
25 2018-06-13 09:27:07.734 App1031[1431]: | JIGUANG | I - [JMSGUser] tcp login user success, user = <JMSGUser, 0x12d7de810> - [ARRAY - uid:118651300, username:f4da31672991440aac2179bd4ccc19f1, nickname:<null>, noteName:<null>, noteText:<null>, gender:0, birthday:<null>, avatar:<null>, region:<null>, siganature:<null>, address:<null>, createTime:<null>, extras:<null>, appKey:6b8ae1d622c521f7f4c7fa36]
26 2018-06-13 09:27:08.137 App1031[1431]: | JIGUANG | I - [JMSGUser+JMSGInner] report sdkversion success
27 2018-06-13 09:27:24.690 App1031[1431]: -[OS_xpc_object UTF8String]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x132144eb0
28 2018-06-13 09:27:24.704 App1031[1431]: [Bugly] Trapped uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[OS_xpc_object UTF8String]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x132144eb0'


  • 111311
    2018-06-13 04:53
    这个也是控制台日志输出: 2018-06-13 09:22:59.335 App1031[1411]: | JIGUANG | W - [JMSGHttpManager] loading token times more than the 展示全部