
2018-07-07 07:11 2k 0


2018-07-07 14:54:55.061593+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284632] [DYMTLInitPlatform] platform initialization successful

2018-07-07 14:54:55.135810+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284379] -> registered mono modules 0x105712c40
2018-07-07 14:54:55.224375+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284379] [Accessibility] ****************** Loading GAX Client Bundle ****************
2018-07-07 14:54:55.324753+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284379] +[CATransaction synchronize] called within transaction
2018-07-07 14:54:55.390630+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284379] You've implemented -[<UIApplicationDelegate> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:], but you still need to add "remote-notification" to the list of your supported UIBackgroundModes in your Info.plist.
-> applicationDidFinishLaunching()
2018-07-07 14:54:55.423468+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284379] Metal GPU Frame Capture Enabled
2018-07-07 14:54:55.424433+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284379] Metal API Validation Enabled
2018-07-07 14:54:55.560080+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | I - [JIGUANGService] 
--------------------------- JPush Log ----------------------------
--------------------JPush SDK Version:3.0.7--build:45----------
--------------------JCore Lib Version:1.1.6--build:29----------
2018-07-07 14:54:55.560383+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284624]  | JIGUANG | I - [JIGUANGClientController] Action - jpush setup
2018-07-07 14:54:55.560588+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | I - [JIGUANGClientController] Action - setup
-> applicationDidBecomeActive()
Init: screen size 1125x2001
Initializing Metal device caps: Apple A11 GPU
Initialize engine version: 5.3.8f2 (0c7e33ff9c0e)
UnloadTime: 0.992791 ms
Setting up 1 worker threads for Enlighten.
  Thread -> id: 16c64f000 -> priority: 1 
-> applicationWillResignActive()
2018-07-07 14:54:57.614407+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284624]  | JIGUANG | W - [JIGUANGClientController] Not get deviceToken yet. Maybe: your certificate not configured APNs? or current network is not so good so APNs registration failed?  or there is no APNs register code? Please refer to JPush docs.
-> applicationDidBecomeActive()
2018-07-07 14:54:58.455380+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGService] Action - registerDeviceToken: <66bc36e2 94a5c2f6 3f6db111 53f8d28c f55eccdb 7af56508 6273de18 5ff8597b>
2018-07-07 14:54:58.456734+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284668]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGUserDefaultsController] Action - setCurrentDeviceToken - 66bc36e294a5c2f63f6db11153f8d28cf55eccdb7af565086273de185ff8597b
2018-07-07 14:54:58.457587+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGNetworkController] Action - trySetupSession
2018-07-07 14:54:58.458672+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284668]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGHttpSessionController] Action - setupSession
2018-07-07 14:54:58.460606+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGNetworkController] userDefaut verified: 1, curNetworkStatus: 2
2018-07-07 14:54:58.461591+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284668]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGUtilities] JCOREPostNotificationWithUserInfo name: kJPFNetworkIsConnectingNotification (null)
2018-07-07 14:54:58.462433+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] Action - connect
2018-07-07 14:54:58.463273+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284668]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] Action - isSisOnProtect
2018-07-07 14:54:58.464084+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] sis is not on protect
2018-07-07 14:54:58.465162+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284706]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] Action - reset sis cache
2018-07-07 14:54:58.466139+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGAddressController] 开始Sis解析
2018-07-07 14:54:58.467564+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284706]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGAddressController] Action - sendSisRequest
2018-07-07 14:54:58.490508+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGAddressController] get address : from host :
2018-07-07 14:54:58.491472+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284706]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGAddressController] Action - sendSisRequest:toDefaultPort
2018-07-07 14:54:58.493234+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGUdpSocket] close udp socket,info:
2018-07-07 14:54:58.498863+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284706]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGUdpSocket] send udp data
2018-07-07 14:54:58.499818+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGUdpSocket] send udp data succeed
2018-07-07 14:54:58.500564+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284706]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGUdpSocket] udp socket begin send behavior
2018-07-07 14:54:58.539158+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284706]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGAddressController] Action - parse
2018-07-07 14:54:58.548808+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGAddressController] Action - parse ips address
2018-07-07 14:54:58.576398+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGAddressController] Action - parseOptionAddress
2018-07-07 14:54:58.606395+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGUdpSocket] close udp socket,info:
2018-07-07 14:54:58.608261+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284706]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGAddressController] receive sis result
2018-07-07 14:54:58.609914+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] Action - connectTcp
2018-07-07 14:54:58.610360+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284706]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] Action - connectTcpAddress:
2018-07-07 14:54:58.610809+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] connectTcp:
2018-07-07 14:54:58.611277+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284706]  | JIGUANG | I - [JIGUANGSessionController] connecting with coreAddr,port 7004
2018-07-07 14:54:58.686949+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGTcpSocket] 连接主机成功
2018-07-07 14:54:58.688392+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284706]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGAddressController] Action - sisReport:port
2018-07-07 14:54:58.690494+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284668]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGUtilities] JCOREPostNotificationWithUserInfo name: kJPUSHNetworkDidSetupNotification (null)
2018-07-07 14:54:58.727370+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284706]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] Action - doSendTcpRequest
2018-07-07 14:54:58.731661+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284668]  | JIGUANG | I - [JIGUANGRegistration] 
----- register info -----
Appkey: e79705a8c59f66db9a718fe2
2018-07-07 14:54:58.732527+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284706]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGRegistration] Register info - strKey:iPhone00080b00020a0e0106$$ $$com.FeiFei.TestWebView$$e79705a8c59f66db9a718fe2 clientInfo:11.4$$iPhone10,3$$ $$ $$$$3.0.7| | |1.1.6, deviceToken:66bc36e294a5c2f63f6db11153f8d28cf55eccdb7af565086273de185ff8597b, aps-Environment:1, configApsEnvironment:1 advertisingIdentifier:
2018-07-07 14:54:59.463208+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | I - [JIGUANGRegistration] 
----- register result -----
uid: 18123790251
2018-07-07 14:54:59.464855+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284624]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGTcpSocket] Got tcp command
2018-07-07 14:54:59.466286+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] Action - onAckOrRespReceived:
2018-07-07 14:54:59.467456+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284624]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] Action - onRegisterRespond:
2018-07-07 14:54:59.468807+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGUtilities] JCOREPostNotificationWithUserInfo name: kJPUSHNetworkDidRegisterNotification {
    RegistrationID = 1114a89792f830cfcaa;
    StatusCode = 0;
2018-07-07 14:54:59.506061+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284623]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] Action - doSendTcpRequest
2018-07-07 14:55:00.164461+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284668]  | JIGUANG | I - [JIGUANGLogin] 
----- login result -----
2018-07-07 14:55:00.166211+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284624]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGTcpSocket] Got tcp command
2018-07-07 14:55:00.167717+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284668]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] Action - onAckOrRespReceived:
2018-07-07 14:55:00.169180+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284624]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] Event - onLoginRespond
2018-07-07 14:55:00.211577+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284624]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGUtilities] wifi 信息:{
    itime = 1530946500;
    "mac_address" = "d4:ee:7:5f:50:f6";
    ssid = RogerHome;
2018-07-07 14:55:00.220737+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284641]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGUtilities] WWAN 信息:{
    generation = wifi;
    itime = 1530946500;
    "mobile_country_code" = 460;
    "mobile_network_code" = 01;
    "radio_type" = lte;
2018-07-07 14:55:00.228308+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284705]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGUtilities] JCOREPostNotificationWithUserInfo name: kJPUSHNetworkDidLoginNotification (null)
2018-07-07 14:55:00.229218+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284624]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] Action - doSendTcpRequest
2018-07-07 14:55:00.229612+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284705]  | JIGUANG | I - [JIGUANGDeviceTokenReport] try to upload device token:66bc36e294a5c2f63f6db11153f8d28cf55eccdb7af565086273de185ff8597b
2018-07-07 14:55:00.312780+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284641]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGTcpSocket] Got tcp command
2018-07-07 14:55:00.314039+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284624]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGSessionController] Action - onAckOrRespReceived:
2018-07-07 14:55:00.343530+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284641]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGDeviceTokenReport] upload device token success, current token is : 66bc36e294a5c2f63f6db11153f8d28cf55eccdb7af565086273de185ff8597b
2018-07-07 14:55:00.602762+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284624]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGReport] send report:(
        date = "2018-07-07";
        itime = 1530946495;
        "session_id" = 902ccae8031eb8dbfecc8cad85e12e45;
        time = "14:54:55";
        timezone = "+8";
        type = "active_launch";
) log succed
2018-07-07 14:55:00.724277+0800 TestWebView[6231:3284705]  | JIGUANG | D - [JIGUANGReport] send report:(
        itime = 1530946500;
        language = "zh-Hans-CN";
        model = "iPhone10,3";
        "os_version" = "11.4";
        resolution = 1125x2001;
        timezone = "+8";
        type = "device_info";
) log succed

