使用Java SDK 推送失败

2018-02-02 07:04 1.9k 0

Send request - POST https://api.jpush.cn/v3/push
14:50:52,192 DEBUG NativeHttpClient:123 - Request Content - {"platform":["ios"],"audience":{"registration_id":["161a3797c83832e1f4c"]},"notification":{"ios":{"alert":"注册即送200元新人优惠券!快来看看吧!","badge":"+1","sound":""}},"options":{"sendno":768317518,"apns_production":false}}
14:50:52,285 DEBUG ResponseWrapper:40 - JPush API Rate Limiting params - quota:600, remaining:599, reset:60
14:50:52,287 WARN NativeHttpClient:199 - Got error response - responseCode:400, responseContent:{"msg_id": 2301492284, "error": {"message": "cannot find user by this audience", "code": 1011}}
14:50:52,288 ERROR NativeHttpClient:203 - Your request params is invalid. Please check them according to error message.
14:50:52,290 ERROR JiguangPush:119 - Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it.


  • KenChoi
    2018-02-02 08:43

    检查一下你的 registration_id 是否合法。