Not get deviceToken yet. Maybe: your certificate not configured APNs?

2016-07-03 17:20 3.2k 0
2016-07-04 01:12:01.948 | JPUSH | W - [JPUSHClientController] Not get deviceToken yet. Maybe: your certificate not configured APNs? or current network is not so good so APNs registration failed?  or there is no APNs register code? Please refer to JPush docs.

2016-07-04 01:12:01.948 | JPUSH | W - [JPUSHClientController] Not get deviceToken yet. Maybe: your certificate not configured APNs? or current network is not so good so APNs registration failed?  or there is no APNs register code? Please refer to JPush docs.

2016-07-04 01:12:03.948 | JPUSH | W - [JPUSHClientController] Not get deviceToken yet. Maybe: your certificate not configured APNs? or current network is not so good so APNs registration failed?  or there is no APNs register code? Please refer to JPush docs.




  • Push iOS 打印这个日志,肯定是你的证书配置有问题。
    一般是配置证书时没有开启 Push Notification。