极光返回码 6012

2017-03-09 12:59 1.4k 0
539 32045-32045/shenxin.com.healthservice D/JIGUANG-JPush: [JPushInterface] action:init - sdkVersion:3.0.1, buildId:323
03-09 20:56:00.539 32045-32045 D/JIGUANG-JPush: [ServiceInterface] The service is stopped, it will give up all the actions until you call resumePush method to resume the service.
03-09 20:56:00.639 32045-32045/s D/JIGUANG-JPush: [ServiceInterface] The service is stopped, it will give up all the actions until you call resumePush method to resume the service.
03-09 20:56:00.639 32045-32045/ I/jiguang1111: shenxin.com.healthservice.Ahome.ruzhuhome.RuzhuHome$3::gotResult@174>>>极光推送设置alias 返回码 :6012
03-09 20:56:00.809 32045-3130 D/JIGUANG-JCore: [NetworkingClient] Received bytes - len:-991, connection:-1212660248, pkg:shenxin.com.healthservice

