
7年前 295 0


2017-04-17 15:13:59.826642 HealthConsultant[36345:2201000] [User Defaults] Attempt to set a non-property-list object (
    <80580164 00000000 000005da 000048f6 00000002 1e073aa5 441b6053 ba5ab8e6 2171b657 15699c94 2a6ad14a ce77456f 8a23d135 8d8401a9 9d1f76ee f1a892e4 655eb563 6042259b d892b762 88af1c7c 4676ac30 3cf64996>,
    <80280402 00000000 000005e1 000048f6 00000002 1e073aa5 7552c3b3 2204dea3 0d4ffdd8 5970e087>,
    <80280402 00000000 000005e3 000048f6 00000002 1e073aa5 7552c3b3 2204dea3 0d4ffdd8 5970e087>
) as an NSUserDefaults/CFPreferences value for key __JPushSendDataCache
2017-04-17 15:13:59.849 HealthConsultant[36345:2201000] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Attempt to insert non-property list object (
    <80580164 00000000 000005da 000048f6 00000002 1e073aa5 441b6053 ba5ab8e6 2171b657 15699c94 2a6ad14a ce77456f 8a23d135 8d8401a9 9d1f76ee f1a892e4 655eb563 6042259b d892b762 88af1c7c 4676ac30 3cf64996>,
    <80280402 00000000 000005e1 000048f6 00000002 1e073aa5 7552c3b3 2204dea3 0d4ffdd8 5970e087>,
    <80280402 00000000 000005e3 000048f6 00000002 1e073aa5 7552c3b3 2204dea3 0d4ffdd8 5970e087>
) for key __JPushSendDataCache'

